Business Management (429)

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The AGRI courses in this program will be completed at participating CCP high schools. All other courses can be completed entirely Online.

Nature of Profession

Southern State's Associate of Applied Business degree with an agriculture concentration is designed with local high schools that offer an agriculture program aligned with College Credit Plus. Through the addition of key agricultural courses to the foundational curriculum of Southern State's business program, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of agricultural practices, resource management, and business principles. The program fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication that will empower students to thrive in the dynamic and evolving field of agricultural business.

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Transfer Partnerships

Wilmington College accepts Southern State's agriculture courses into their Agriculture program. Students will have the ability to continue their education in Agriculture at Wilmington College where they can pick from one of six concentrations: Agriculture Business, Animal Science, Agronomy, Agriculture Communication, Resource Conservation & Regenerative Agriculture, or Agriculture Education.

  • Wilmington College
  • Franklin University

Program Outcomes

Graduate of this program should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of agricultural production practices, including crop cultivation, livestock management, and sustainable farming techniques.
  • Apply modern technologies and best practices to optimize agricultural yields.
  • Implement environmentally sustainable practices in resource management of land and water to maximize efficiency within an agricultural operation.

Graduates of this program should be able to demonstrate proficiency in:

  • Critical Thinking - Students will evaluate business problems from the perspective of multiple business disciplines.
  • Analyzing Reports - Students will calculate, analyze and interpret financial information, and use financial data for business decision- making. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the accounting process and prepare basic financial statements.
  • Problem Solving - Analyze a business situation and recommend a course of action.
  • Communication - Prepare a written business report that is logical, concise, grammatically correct, and clear to the target audience. Present an oral presentation that is logical, clear, and well organized.
  • Professionalism / Technology - Employ technology to efficiently analyze reflective, strategic, and analytical skills in making business decisions to resolve business issues.
  • Culture & Context - Combine critical thinking, teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making skills that optimize business outcomes.


Fall Semester | First Year

Course # Course Title Credits
ACCT 1101 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
**AGRI Agriculture Elective 4
BADM 2251 Business Law I - The Legal Environment 3
CSCI 2218 Excel 3
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3

Spring Semester | First Year

Course # Course Title Credits
ACCT 2230 Computerized Accounting (Quickbooks) 3
**AGRI Agriculture Elective 4
BADM 2272 Business Communications 3
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3
*MATH 1115 or MATH 1125 or MATH 1141 or Higher Math Literacy or Quantitative Reasoning or College Algebra or Higher 3-4

Fall Semester | Second Year

Course # Course Title Credits
**AGRI Agriculture Elective 4
BADM 2204 Principles of Marketing 3
BADM 2252 Business Law II - The Formation & Regulation of Business 3
ECON 2205 Principles of Microeconomics 3
PHIL 1107 Ethics 3

Spring Semester | Second Year

Course # Course Title Credits
**AGRI or ***BADM Agriculture or Business Management Elective 3-4
BADM 2208 Supervision & Leadership 3
BADM 2290 Problems in Business 3
ECON 2206 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Program Total: 60-62

*MATH 1125 or higher is required for most transfer institutions.

**Agriculture Electives:
Course # Course Title Credits
AGRI 1101 Agricultural Economics 3
AGRI 1103 AgriBusiness 3
AGRI 1106 Principles of Crop Science 4
AGRI 1107 Principles of Animal Science 4
AGRI 1114 Principles of Horticulture 4
AGRI 1119 Greenhouse Management 4
AGRI 1126 Livestock Feeds & Feeding 3
AGRI 2200 Agricultural Field Experience 2-4
***Business Electives:
Course # Course Title Credits
BADM 2206 Organizational Behavior 3
BADM 2213 Personal Finance 3
BADM 2216 Business Ethics 3
BADM 2220 Human Resources Management 3
BADM 2222 Business Finance 3

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