Electrical Engineering
EENG 1105 – DC Circuits & Devices
3 credits | Prerequisite: MATH 1118 or equivalent
An examination of the behavior of passive devices in transient and steady state DC circuits. Topics include device construction and packaging, ohmic and nonohmic conduction, voltage, current, power and resistance calculations in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Laboratory consists of development of prototyping skills and verification of circuit operation.
EENG 1115 – AC Circuits & Devices
3 credits | Prerequisite: EENG 1105 or equivalent
An examination of the frequency response of reactive circuits. Topics include ac voltage, waveforms and frequency, current and power calculations in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. Applications of resonance and filtering are discussed.
EENG 1150 – Operating Systems
3 credits
This course is designed to introduce the student to various types of computer operating systems. It will familiarize the student with the basic commands and fundamental concepts needed to work in these systems. We will discuss single user, multitasking and multi-user systems along with user interfaces. Students cannot receive credit for both CSCI 1150 and EENG 1150.
EENG 1185 – Electrical Machinery
3 credits | Prerequisites: EENG 1115
An examination of the characteristics of power transmission and distribution equipment. DC, single phase and poly phase AC machinery are covered including servo machines. Transformers, transducers and industrial controls are also studied.
EENG 1199 – Seminar
1–6 credits
This course will be a discussion of particular problems related to the student’s chosen program and areas of interest.
EENG 2205 – Digital Electronics
3 credits | Prerequisite: EENG 1105 corequisite equivalent
An examination of number systems and techniques of logical reduction. Pulse and logic circuits, counters, registers, logic families, integrated circuits and basic elements of digital design are discussed as well as DA and AD convertors microprocessor and microcontrollers.
EENG 2215 – Analog Circuits & Devices
3 credits | Prerequisite: EENG 1115 or equivalent
An introduction to the characteristics, specifications, packaging and applications of discrete devices and low scale integrated circuits.
EENG 2254 – Computer Architecture & Design
4 credits | Prerequisites: CSCI 1140 and CSCI 1141
This is an introductory course into computer architecture. This class will assemble a single board computer with a lecture section before each section to describe how the section works. Use of Oscilloscope, Digital Logic probe and Millimeter are used to make measurements and troubleshoot each section.
Students who have completed CSCI 245 may not receive credit for this course.
EENG 2255 – Digital Communications
3 credits | Prerequisites: EENG 2205 | Corequisite: CSCI 1141
An examination of various digital communications techniques. Topics covered will include modulation, sampling, coding and decoding, multiplexing, error detection and correction, modems, LANs and WANs.
EENG 2260 – Microcontroller Programming
3 credits
This course is intended for students who want to learn about C Programming and how it can be interfaced with a microcontroller. It does not assume any prior knowledge of C Programming and is geared toward those interested in coding and having that code effect hardware in the real world. The course provides comprehensive coverage of topics related to C Programming, including data types, program loops, functions, storage classes and libraries.
EENG 2268 – Power Generation
3 credits | Prerequisites: EENG 1105 | Corequisite: EENG 1115
This course is designed to teach the aspects of power generation. It covers the different types of steam generation methods based on the various types of fuels used including coal, nuclear, hydro, fuel cell, solar, wind and new fuel technologies. It also includes an in-depth study of the associated equipment such as pumps, turbines, environmental and other associated systems.
EENG 2285 – Manufacturing Control Systems
3 credits | Prerequisites: EENG 2205
This course is an introduction to the use of programmable logic controllers in industry. Topics include ladder logic programming, sensors used in manufacturing control systems and applications of PID loops. Allen Bradley Controllers are the PLC used in this course. A laboratory complements class work.
EENG 2299 – Research Project
3 credits | Prerequisite: sophomore standing in Electrical/Electronics Technology program
An independent study resulting in a technical report, research paper, project or a combination of these. Selection of the area of study is made in consultation with the instructor and must be approved by the instructor.