Engineering Design
ENDS 1100 – Introduction to Engineering
2 credits
This course introduces the student to the engineering profession and the variety of related jobs and careers. This course also includes the use of electronic calculators, personal computers, conversion of units, (English to metric, metric to English), problem solving techniques in groups and individual, scientific notation and decision making models.
ENDS 1110 – Blueprint Reading
3 credits
Learn to read and use HVAC plans and blueprints like today’s professionals, with a focus on air conditioning drawings and hands-on exercises. This course will help readers master the basics of blueprint reading and apply their new skills to work in the HVAC trade. This course has been updated to reflect the increasing use of computers to develop plans and prints, while still including all the critical areas of study, including: using the architect’s and engineer’s scale, creating and using working and construction drawings, freehand sketching and drafting with instruments and more. The final section of this course goes beyond basic concepts, enabling students to gain valuable skills in reading and interpreting architectural, ductwork, mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans.
ENDS 1140 – Introduction to Engineering Graphics and AutoCAD
3 credits
This is a beginning drafting course that will introduce the basics of manual drafting and an introduction to AutoDesk's 2D AutoCAD. Students are introduced to fundamental knowledge and skills such as line work, lettering, scale use, sketching, multi-view drawings, sectional views, and working drawings (detail, assembly, floorplans, elevations, electrical) with the basics of manual drafting techniques and the use of computer aided drafting equipment.
ENDS 1141 – Engineering Drawing I
3 credits
This is a beginning drawing course. Students are introduced to fundamental knowledge and skills such as line work, lettering, scale use, and sketching, multi-view drawings, sectional views, with the basics of manual drafting techniques and the use of drafting equipment.
ENDS 1142 – Engineering Drawing II
3 credits
Students are introduced to a continuation of technical drawing fundamentals. Auxiliary views, descriptive geometry, patterns and developments and dimensioning and notation are emphasized. Welding drawings are covered. Experience with view visualization will prepare the student for CAD fundamentals.
ENDS 1143 – Introduction to Project Management and Product Design
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1140 or ENDS 2232
This is an introductory course in the application of formal project management skills in conjunction with the engineering design process solving product design problems. The formal design solution is guided by the concepts of project management. The solution is presented in the form of a formal presentation that includes Power Point, demonstration, engineering working drawings, bill of material, estimates of time, material, and labor costs, with other reports as required.
ENDS 1144 – Electrical Drafting
3 credits
This course is a study of electrical and electronic diagrams. Students learn electronic symbols and the use of these symbols to draft and design schematic diagrams, micro-electronic diagrams, printed circuit diagrams, electrical power systems and electrical drawings for architectural plans.
ENDS 1145 – Computer Applications in Engineering
3 credits
An introductory course where students learn of areas in engineering in which computers are commonly used. Computer hardware, software and programming are introduced. Topics include reporting, calculation, drafting, analysis, computer aided design, numerical control, rapid prototyping and direct material deposition. The student will gain hands-on experience in these areas.
ENDS 1151 – Engineering Materials
3 credits | Prerequisite: MATH 1120 or higher
This course will provide the student with a basic understanding of materials and the important practical considerations that must be used in material selection and specification in design, manufacturing and failure analysis. This course includes lectures and labs.
ENDS 1180 – Engineering Internship I
1–3 credits | Prerequisite: Completion of 15 program hours
Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement, paid or unpaid, among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes an orientation to internship components.
ENDS 1199 – Seminar
1–6 credits
This course will be a discussion of particular problems related to the student’s chosen program and areas of interest.
ENDS 2201 – Engineering Mechanics (Statics)
3 credits | Prerequisites: MATH 1120 and PHYS 1117
In this course, the student studies the principles of forces as applied to trusses, frames, beams, walls and machine parts. The student will gain experience by solving problems graphically and mathematically. The course covers the study of vectors, forces, resultants and equilibrium.
ENDS 2202 – Dynamics
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 2201
In this course, the student studies the principles of dynamics as applied to linear motion and angular motion. The course covers kinematics and kinetics of rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion and kinematics and kinetics of rotation.
ENDS 2203 – Strength of Materials
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 2201
An introductory course in mechanics of materials, analysis and design of members subjected to various combinations of loading, stress and strain, beams, columns and members in torsion. In-class experiments investigate the response of deformable bodies to applied loads.
ENDS 2204 – Mechanisms
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 2201
A study of mechanical components including gear trains, belt, chain and disk drives, cams, levers, linkage mechanisms and Geneva mechanisms. Laboratory work complements class work.
ENDS 2205 – Hydraulics & Pneumatics
3 credits | Prerequisite: PHYS 1117 or 2201 and MATH 1120 or higher
An introductory course to impart basic knowledge of hydraulic and pneumatic concepts, components and systems for power transmission and control where laboratory work is performed using industrial components and circuits.
ENDS 2219 – Tool Design & Manufacturing
3 credits | Prerequisites: ENDS 1142 and MATH 1120
An introductory course in designing of manufacturing tooling including broaches, lathe and mill tools; piercing, blanking, bending and drawing dies; the economics of tool design; cutting and forming; and the design of jigs and fixture devices used to locate and secure the work-piece in manufacturing. Principles of manufacturing and properties of materials are utilized. The selection of cutting tools, calculating horsepower requirements and cutting feeds and speeds are introduced.
ENDS 2221 – Machine Design
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 2201
This course covers the analysis and design of machine components and assemblies such as couplings, bearings, springs, frames, gears, belts, etc. utilizing the principles of mechanics, kinematics, drafting and strength of materials.
ENDS 2230 – Advanced Concepts in 2D AutoCAD
3 credits | Prerequisites: ENDS 1140
An intermediate course which dives into advanced concepts in computer assisted design techniques. The student will learn how to make the software work for them while gaining experience in solving drafting problems utilizing an interactive CAD system. Students will extend their CAD competency by solving sophisticated drafting problems utilizing an interactive CAD system, applications, course description and lecture with an opportunity to test for third party credentials via Autodesk.
ENDS 2231 – Introduction to 3D AutoCAD
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1140 or ENDS 2230
An introduction into 3D modeling, this course continues to build on the student's 2D knowledge. This course will take the student from the very basic introduction to AutoDesk AutoCAD 3D all the way through to the creation of realistic looking 3D models and renderings. The student will develop the ability to create 3D models and presentations suitable to sell the design or concept to others.
ENDS 2232 – Introduction to SolidWorks
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1140
An introduction course which dives into the 3D and solid modeling design concepts in computer assisted design techniques. The student will learn how to make the software work for them while gaining experience in solving drafting problems utilizing an interactive CAD system. Students will extend their CAD competency by solving sophisticated drafting problems utilizing an interactive CAD system, applications, course description and lecture with an opportunity to test for third party credentials via SolidWorks.
ENDS 2233 – Computer Aided Manufacturing
3 credits | Prerequisites: ENDS 2230 and MATH 1120
This course introduces automation and computer-integrated manufacturing with manual part programming for numerical control machines. History of CNC, coding, punch tape, BCD, word address programming and computer numerical control following the recommendations of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) with hands-on experience. The process and requirements for rapid-prototyping and direct material deposition are introduced and reinforced with hands-on experience.
ENDS 2235 – Technical Drawing
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1142 or equivalent
Students learn to draft illustrations of machine parts, exploded pictorial assemblies, parts catalogs, plant layouts and elevations. The use of color and shading are introduced. Pictorial drawings combine elements of both technical and artistic drawing to convey all the information necessary to be used as guides by people involved in manufacturing, maintenance or sales where a complex part or process would be difficult to visualize when only orthographic views are given. Technical illustration is an important communication skill.
ENDS 2236 – Architectural Drafting & Design
3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1142
An introductory course where students learn design of residential buildings. The course covers elevations, foundations and interior drawings. This course also involves the study of architectural symbols, nomenclature, detailing, sectioning, dimensioning and the use of architectural catalogs.
ENDS 2260 – Surveying
3 credits | Prerequisite: MATH 1120
An introductory course to impart basic knowledge of surveying plus training in the use of traditional surveying equipment.
ENDS 2261 – Manufacturing Materials & Processes
3 credits | Prerequisites: MATH 1120 and PHYS 1117
This course will acquaint the technician with the nature, properties, performance, characteristics, manufacturing processes and practical uses of various engineering materials. Materials such as ferrous and nonferrous metals as well as polymers, ceramics and composites will be covered. Both primary and secondary processes will be covered in this course.
ENDS 2280 – Engineering Internship II
1–3 credits | Prerequisite: ENDS 1180
Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement, paid or unpaid, among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes an orientation to internship components.
ENDS 2299 – Design Research Project
3 credits | Prerequisite: Final quarter standing as major in Engineering Design
A capstone course of independent study resulting in a technical report, research paper, project or a combination of these. Selection of the area of study is made in consultation with, and must be approved by, the instructor.