Health, Fitness, & Exercise Science

HFES 1101 – Introduction to Exercise Science

3 credits

This course is the introduction to exercise science and the sub-disciplines. It is designed to help students define professional goals and explore the many careers in exercise science. Students will begin to gain the competencies essential and the commitment required to be in the field of exercise science.

HFES 1102 – Introduction to Athletic Training

3 credits

This course is an introduction to the fundamental knowledge and background in athletic training. It is designed to take a scientific, evidence based approach to provide a clinical background in athletic training.

HFES 1161 – First Aid

2 credits

This course presents the theory and skills necessary to provide first aid care for patients of all ages. With successful completion of the course, the student will receive a course completion card in first aid and adult, child, and infant layperson CPR.

HFES 1180 – Principles of Sport Management

3 credits

This course is an introduction to the profession of sport management. It discusses basic philosophy and principles of sport at all levels. The term sport refers to all recreational and competitive sports and exercise/fitness activities. Management encompasses the activities associated with administration, supervision, and leadership.

HFES 1190 – Fitness and Health Foundations

3 credits

This course is an introduction to the foundations of fitness, health and related topics including energy balance, lifestyle choices and exercise testing and prescription. Individual fitness assessment, evaluation and programming will be emphasized. Attention will be given to the research that supports the professional guidelines for fitness and health.

HFES 1195 – Fitness & Wellness for Life

3 credits

This course investigates the components involved in developing a wellness lifestyle with an emphasis on the physical wellness. Attention is principally devoted to the components of fitness to include cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, and flexibility. In addition, learning about dietary practices and nutrition, protecting oneself from disease, avoiding substance abuse, and managing stress will be covered.

HFES 2217 – Yoga

1 credit

An introduction to the nature and principles of yoga. Students will gain knowledge of the benefits of yoga performing and equipment needed while participating in a yoga program. Course focuses on developing postural alignment in order for students to gain improved strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and stress reduction.

HFES 2234 – Personal Health

3 credits

Promote an appreciation for healthful living practices of the individual and group to promote positive attitudes. Topics include physical health and fitness emotional health, nutrition, alcohol and drugs, environmental health, aging, safety and first aid.