Office Information Technology
OFIT 1106 – Keyboarding Techniques I
3 credits
In this course, students will master the computer keyboard by touch for personal use or in preparation for work in a business setting. Students will learn proper keyboarding technique while keying alphabetic, numeric, and 10-key numeric keypad characters. Students will complete activities online, where drills will facilitate learning the keyboard and developing speed and accuracy. In addition, students will use Microsoft Word 2016 to demonstrate basic level production formatting of emails, memos, business correspondence, tables, business reports, manuscripts, and research papers.
OFIT 1130 – Word Processing I
3 credits
Beginning word processing course using adopted Microsoft Word release edition. Focus will be on creating, formatting, editing, saving, retrieving and printing documents using word processing software. Included will be maintenance and customization of documents, creating and formatting tables and enhancing documents with special features in preparation for the Microsoft Word Exam.
OFIT 1145 – Interpersonal Skills
3 credits
This course provides training in interpersonal skills and tips for managing people at work and is designed to help students focus on developing and practicing interpersonal skills in team-building, negotiating, conflict resolution skills and empowerment through creative role-playing and constructive feedback.
OFIT 2231 – Windows 7
3 credits
This course will provide an understanding of Windows Operating System basics as it pertains to files, folders, programs, desktop customization, adding software and hardware, troubleshooting and repair, security, and sharing of information.
OFIT 2232 – Introduction to Business Management
3 credits
This class introduces the student to the fundamentals of business. Special emphasis is placed on business in the global economic environment, organization and management, operations and technology and personal finance management.
OFIT 2236 – Desktop Publishing & Office Applications
3 credits
An overview of the purpose and description of desktop publishing. Basic layout and design capabilities using a hands-on approach on the computer. Students will be able to develop a portfolio of published assignments, desktop terminology and critiques of effective and poor design concepts in desktop communications. Included will be the understanding of the desktop publishing process, preparing internal documents, creating letterheads, business cards, personal documents, brochures, booklets, promotional documents, and creating newsletters utilizing Microsoft Office.
OFIT 2290 – Internship
4 credits | Prerequisite: Students must have completed 25 credit hours in the Office Information Technology studies area with a grade of "C" or above in each course.
A supervised on or off–campus office work experience applying knowledge and skills learned in the classroom or on-line learning experience. Twenty-one (21) hours of work per week required for three credits. An on–campus seminar or online learning seminar will be included for one credit hour. Students must have completed 25 credit hours in the Office Information Technology studies area with a grade of “C” or above in each course.
OFIT 2299 – Research Project
1–5 credits | Prerequisite: sophomore standing
An independent study in the area of office administration technology and office administration in a formal report, research paper, project or a combination of these. Selection of the area of study or project is made in consultation and approval of the instructor.