Records Office
The Records Office provides several primary services to students including maintenance of Class Schedules, diploma processing and posting of degrees, grade processing and student information maintenance. More services are presented in greater detail below.
The office is located in room 110.10 on Central Campus and operates from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
- Phone
- 800.628.7722 x2613
- Mailing
- Records Office
- Southern State Community College
- 100 Hobart Drive
- Hillsboro, OH 45133
Standard Office Hours
Monday – Friday | 8:00am - 5:00pm |
Extended Office Hours
- Saturday before term begins, office will be open 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- First week of term, office will be open Monday through Thursday until 7:00 PM
Amanda Thompson
- Registrar
- 800.628.7722 x2616
Billie Powell
- Assistant Registrar
- 800.628.7722 x2614
Academic Warning & Probation
Requirements for Good Standing
It is to the advantage of every student to remain in good standing at all stages of the academic program. To remain in good standing, the student's cumulative grade point average must not fall below the following levels:
- 1.75 for 29 or fewer accumulated hours earned
- 2.0 for 30 or more accumulated hours earned
Students will also be reviewed to determine satisfactory progress. To meet the progress requirement, a student must successfully complete 67% of the total hours attempted within the term.
A student not in good standing at the end of any semester will be placed on academic warning for the following semester. A student not in good standing at the end of the second consecutive semester will be placed on academic probation for one semester. Students who fail to meet the requirements for good standing will be suspended at the end of the probation period. The period of academic suspension is for one calendar year. A student on academic suspension will be allowed to re-enter after one year and will be readmitted on probation. If the student is not in good standing at the end of the term of re-entry, they will be dismissed from the College for a period of two years (6 semesters). The student will be allowed to re-enter after the period of two years and will be readmitted on probation. If the student fails to meet the requirements of good standing after their second re-entry, they will be dismissed from the College for another period of two years (6 semesters). The College reserves the right to waive this policy under extenuating circumstances. Any student that is receiving or plans to receive any type of financial aid must review the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy in the financial aid section of the catalog to determine eligibility to receive financial aid.
The student is expected to attend every session of each scheduled course and, if absent, may be required, at the direction of the instructor, to make up work. Students must be in good standing to participate in co-curricular activities.
Attendance Policy
To ensure the commitment to student success, attendance is required in all courses regardless of course modality (in-person, online, or hybrid). Attendance is physical attendance within a classroom or participation in an academic-related activity. Logging into Canvas does not constitute attendance.
- Using the federal financial aid definition for attendance, instructors must report attendance from the first two weeks of courses to the Registrar's Office within the MyRecords portal no later than the 15th day of the term (or 20% date for courses with a flexible start or end date).
- A student reported as NEVER attending, within the first two weeks of a full-semester course or first 20% of a flexibly scheduled course, will be dropped from the course and have all tuition charges removed from their account.
- Students dropped for non-attendance will be notified via their SSCC email account.
- Students who receive federal financial aid or College Credit Plus funding who are dropped, may have all or a portion of their funding removed.
Determination of Ohio Residency
Residence, for tuition purposes, will be determined at the time of admission by the Records Office on the basis of the guidelines shown and information supplied on the Application for Admission and the request to change residency status form. Any student who registers improperly with respect to residence will be required to pay the non-resident tuition surcharge.
Intent & Authority
- 1. It is the intent of the Ohio Board of Regents in promulgating this rule to exclude from treatment as residents, as that term is applied here, those persons who are present in the state of Ohio primarily for the purpose of receiving the benefit of a state-supported education.
- 2. This rule is adopted pursuant to Chapter 119 of the Revised Code, and under the authority conferred upon the Ohio Board of Regents by Section 3333.31 of the Revised Code.
For purposes of this rule:
- 1. "Resident" shall mean any person who maintains a 12 month place or places of residence in Ohio, who is qualified as a resident to vote in Ohio and receive state public assistance and who may be subjected to tax liability under Section 5747.02 of the Revised Code, provided such person has not, within the time prescribed by this rule, declared himself or herself to be or allowed himself or herself to remain a resident of any other state or nation for any of these or other purposes.
- 2. "Financial support" as used in this rule, shall not include grants, scholarships and awards from persons or entities which are not related to the recipient.
- 3. An "institution of higher education" shall have the same meaning as "state institution of higher education" as that term is defined in Section 3345.011 of the Revised Code and shall also include private medical and dental colleges which receive direct subsidy from the state of Ohio.
- 4. "Domicile" as used in this rule is a person’s permanent place of abode, so long as the person has the legal ability under federal and state law to reside permanently at that abode. For the purpose of this rule, only one domicile may be maintained at a given time.
- 5. "Dependent" shall mean a student who was claimed by at least one parent or guardian as a dependent on that person’s Internal Revenue Service tax filing for the previous tax year.
- 6. "Residency Officer" means the person or persons at an institution of higher education that has the responsibility for determining residency of students under this rule.
- 7. "Community Service Position" shall mean a position volunteering or working for:
- a. VISTA, AmeriCorps, City Year, the Peace Corps or any similar program as determined by the Ohio Board of Regents
- b. An elected or appointed public official for a period of time not exceeding 24 consecutive months
Residency for Subsidy & Tuition Surcharge Purposes
The following persons shall be classified as residents of the state of Ohio for subsidy and tuition surcharge purposes:
- 1. A student whose spouse, or a dependent student, at least one of whose parents or legal guardian has been a resident of the state of Ohio for all other legal purposes for 12 consecutive months or more immediately preceding the enrollment of such student in an institution of higher education.
- 2. A person who has been a resident of Ohio for the purpose of this rule for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding his or her enrollment in an institution of higher education and who is not receiving, and has not directly or indirectly received in the preceding 12 consecutive months, financial support from persons or entities who are not residents of Ohio for all other legal purposes.
- 3. A dependent student of a parent or legal guardian, or the spouse of a person who, as of the first day of a term enrollment, has accepted full-time, self-sustaining employment and established domicile in the state of Ohio for reasons other than gaining the benefit of favorable tuition rates.
- Documentation of full-time employment and domicile shall include both of the following documents:
- a. A sworn statement from the employer or the employer’s representative on the letterhead of the employer or the employer’s representative certifying that the parent, legal guardian or spouse of the student is employed full-time in Ohio
- b. A copy of the lease under which the parent, legal guardian or spouse is the lessee and occupant of rented residential property in the state; a copy of the closing statement on residential real property located in Ohio of which the parent, legal guardian or spouse is the owner and occupant; or if the parent, legal guardian or spouse is not the lessee or owner of the residence in which he or she has established domicile, a letter from the owner of the residence certifying that the parent, legal guardian or spouse resides at that residence
Additional Criteria
Additional criteria which may be considered by residency officers in determining residency may include but are not limited to the following:
- 1. Criteria evidencing residency:
- a. If a person is subject to tax liability under Section 5747.02 of the Revised Code
- b. If a person qualifies to vote in Ohio
- c. If a person is eligible to receive Ohio public assistance
- d. If a person has an Ohio driver’s license and/or motor vehicle registration
- 2. Criteria evidencing lack of residency:
- a. If a person is a resident of or intends to be a resident of another state or nation for the purpose of tax liability, voting or receipt of public assistance (see paragraph (D)(2)(a) of this rule)
- 3. For the purpose of determining residency for tuition surcharge purposes at Ohio’s state-assisted colleges and universities, an individual’s immigration status will not preclude an individual from obtaining resident status if that individual has the current legal status to remain permanently in the United States.
Exceptions to the General Rule
Exceptions to the General Rule of Residency for Subsidy and Tuition Surcharge Purposes include:
- 1. A person who is living and is gainfully employed on a full-time or part-time and self-sustaining basis in Ohio and who is pursuing a part–time program of instruction at an institution of higher education shall be considered a resident of Ohio for these purposes.
- 2. A person who enters and currently remains upon active duty status in the United States military service while a resident of Ohio for all other legal purposes and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes as long as Ohio remains the state of such person’s domicile.
- 3. A person on active duty status in the United States military service who is stationed and resides in Ohio and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes.
- 4. A person who is transferred by his employer beyond the territorial limits of the 50 states of the United States and the District of Columbia while a resident of Ohio for all other legal purposes and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes as long as Ohio remains the state of such person’s domicile as long as such person has fulfilled his or her tax liability to the state of Ohio for at least the tax year preceding enrollment.
- 5. A person who has been employed as a migrant worker in the state of Ohio, and his or her dependents, shall be considered a resident for these purposes provided such person has worked in Ohio for at least four months during each of the three years preceding the proposed enrollment.
- 6. A person who was considered a resident under this rule at the time the person started a community service position as defined under this rule, and his or her spouse and dependents, shall be considered a resident of Ohio while in service and upon completion of service in the community service position.
- 7. A person who returns to the state of Ohio due to marital hardship, takes or has taken legal steps to end a marriage and reestablishes financial dependence upon a parent or legal guardian (receives greater than 50% of his or her support from the parent or legal guardian), and his or her dependents shall be considered residents of Ohio.
- 8. A person who is a member of the Ohio National Guard and who is domiciled in Ohio, and his or her spouse and dependents, shall be considered residents of Ohio while the person is in Ohio National Guard service.
- 9. A person who is eligible, or whose benefits have been exhausted or have expired, for benefits under the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any prior federal act establishing veterans’ education benefits, who has been honorably discharged or released from service, who, as of the first day of a term of enrollment, is domiciled in Ohio and during the first 12 months of domicile in this state immediately preceding enrollment completed an approved community service position or during the course of study accepts a community service position approved by the chancellor or participates in an internship or cooperative education program established by the chancellor or the college or university to which the person has been accepted, and his or her spouse and dependents, shall be considered residents of Ohio for these purposes as long as Ohio remains the state of such person’s domicile.
- Documentation of a community service position shall include one of the following:
- a. A statement on letterhead that the person has completed a community service position in an approved program or has pledged to volunteer or work the minimum required hours during the term of enrollment in an approved community service program from one of the following:
- 1. A community service provider, or the community service provider’s representative, of an approved program
- 2. A campus coordinator or director of the university or college community service office
- 3. A veterans’ service representative
- b. Registration or enrollment in a service learning course
- c. Other documentation determined to be acceptable by the institution
- Documentation of domicile shall include a copy of the lease under which the person or spouse is the lessee and occupant of rented residential property in the state; a copy of the closing statement on residential real property located in Ohio of which the person or spouse is the owner and occupant; or if the person or spouse is not the lessee or owner of the residence in which he or she has established domicile, a letter from the owner of the residence certifying that the person or spouse resides at that residence. Each institution shall determine the documents required for documentation of participation in an internship or cooperative education program at the institution, and publicize or otherwise make known to all interested persons the required documents.
- 1. A dependent person classified as a resident of Ohio for these purposes under the provisions of paragraph (C)(1) of this rule and who is enrolled in an institution of higher education when his or her parents or legal guardian removes their residency from the state of Ohio shall continue to be considered a resident during continuous full-time enrollment and until his or her completion of any one academic degree program.
- 2. In considering residency, removal of the student or the student's parents or legal guardian from Ohio shall not, during a period of 12 months following such removal, constitute relinquishment of Ohio residency status otherwise established under paragraphs (C)(1) or (C)(2) of this rule.
- 3. For students who qualify for residency status under paragraph (C)(3) of this rule, residency status is lost immediately if the employed person upon whom resident student status was based accepts employment and establishes domicile outside Ohio less than 12 months after accepting employment and establishing domicile in Ohio.
- 4. Any person once classified as a nonresident, upon completion of 12 consecutive months of residency, must apply to the institution he or she attends for reclassification as a resident of Ohio for these purposes if such person in fact wants to be reclassified as a resident. Should such person present clear and convincing proof that no part of his or her financial support is, or in the preceding 12 consecutive months, has been provided directly or indirectly by persons or entities who are not residents of Ohio for all other legal purposes, such person shall be reclassified as a resident. Evidentiary determinations under this rule shall be made by the institution which may require, among other things, the submission of documentation regarding the sources of a student's actual financial support.
- 5. Any reclassification of a person who was once classified as a nonresident for these purposes shall have prospective application only from the date of such reclassification.
- 6. Any institution of higher education charged with reporting student enrollment to the Ohio Board of Regents for state subsidy purposes and assessing the tuition surcharge shall provide individual students with a fair and adequate opportunity to present proof of his or her Ohio residency for purposes of this rule. Such an institution may require the submission of affidavits and other documentary evidence which it may deem necessary to a full and complete determination under this rule.
Tuition Reciprocity
In pursuant to Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C) 3333.17, the Ohio Department of Higher Education has established tuition reciprocity agreements that are institution, state, and county specific. The agreements allow students residing in specific northern counties within Kentucky to enroll at Southern State Community College and request the in-state tuition rate. If you are a Kentucky resident, please contact the Registrar to determine if you may be eligible to request the in-state tuition rate.
Student Location Policy
View the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) webpage to read the Student Location Policy.
Directory Information
Southern State's definition of directory information can be found on page 30 of the Southern State Community College Policy and Information Manual.
Directory information may be released without consent of the student, unless the student has requested in writing that information designated as directory information not be disclosed. This request encompasses all directory information. If a student wishes to have directory information withheld, a completed form must be on file in the Records Office prior to the start of the most recent academic term.
Enrollment Certification
The enrollment certification definition by credit hour for loan deferments, insurance coverage or any other official certification of enrollment, is determined by the college Catalog. An audited course is not counted for enrollment certification purposes.
- Full-time — 12 credit hours
- Three-quarter-time — nine to 11 credit hours
- Half-time — six to eight credit hours
Enrollment Reporting & Student Data Analysis
The student body at Southern State consists of a diverse pool of individuals with equally diverse goals. In recent years, trends indicate:
- Twice as many part-time students attend as full-time;
- Female students outnumber male student by about 40%;
- Average age has lowered from 26 to 21;
- Majority of students live in either Highland, Brown, Clinton, or Fayette counties; and
- After graduation, over 72% are employed in the same service area.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Educational records of students are confidential and will only be disclosed at the written request of the student or alumnus or to the extent that Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) authorizes disclosure without consent. The only information that may be released without the student's permission is Directory Information.
A student must notify the Records Office in writing if directory information is not to be released.
Students may inspect and review their educational records by submitting a written request to the registrar which identifies as precisely as possible the record or records they wish to inspect. The registrar will make the needed arrangements for access as promptly as possible and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The college reserves the right to refuse to permit a student to inspect the following records: (1) the financial statement of the student's parents; (2) those records which are excluded from the FERPA determination of educational records.
Students who believe that their education records are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights, may ask to have them corrected. Contact the Records Office for the proper procedure.
A parent or eligible student may file a written complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave, SW Washington, DC 20202-5901 regarding an alleged violation under FERPA. Contact the Records Office for the proper procedure.
Contact the Records Office to obtain a copy of the college's FERPA policy.
View the FERPA-Annual Notification of Student Rights
By completing the FERPA Waiver Form, you may grant the College the ability to discuss this protected information with individuals or organizations (i.e. parents, guardians, spouses, and employers).
Graduation Rate Disclosure
Southern State Community College is pleased to provide the following information regarding our institution's graduation/completion and transfer-out rates. The information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The rates reflect the graduation, completion and transfer-out status of students who enrolled during the 2021-2022 school year and for whom 150% of the normal time-to-completion has elapsed.
View the Graduation Rate Disclosure
During the fall semester of 2021, 100 full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students entered Southern State Community College. After three years (as of August 31, 2024), 37% of these students had graduated from our institution or completed their programs and 13% had transferred to other higher education institutions.
Questions related to this report should be directed to:
- Amanda Thompson
- Registrar
- 800.628.7722 x2616
While reviewing this information, please bear in mind:
- Graduation and transfer-out rates are based on three years of attendance that equates to 150% of our longest program.
- Graduation (and transfer-out) rates do not include students who left the school to serve in the armed forces, on official church missions, or in the foreign service of the federal government. Students who died or were totally and permanently disabled are also excluded.
How to Request an Official Transcript
To issue an academic transcript, the Records Office requires a completed Transcript Request Form from you.
- Online Transcript Request Form
(Click 'Course Information' > 'Student Forms') - Transcript Request Print Form
Complete the Online Transcript Request Form (Click 'Course Information' > 'Student Forms') or complete and sign the Transcript Request Print Form and submit it to the Records Office. Your request can be mailed to 100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, OH, 45133, faxed to the Records Office at (937) 393-6682, or scanned and emailed to If you do not have access to print the request form, you may write out your request on paper. Please be sure your request includes all of the following: full name, address, phone, student ID number or social security number, complete address of where your transcript is to be sent and signature. Transcripts are not faxed.
Transcript requests are normally processed within five working days. Transcript requests will not be processed if a balance is owed to the college.
Name & Address Change
Any changes to address, phone, and name must be reported to the Records Office. Students who wish to change their name must provide a legal document declaring the change. Legal documents include marriage license, divorce/dissolution decrees, court orders, or any other government issued official proof of identity (Driver's License, State ID, Passport, etc.).
Replacement Diplomas
Students wishing to receive a replacement diploma may do so by completing the Replacement Diploma Request form and submitting it along with proof of payment to the Records Office. The following policy applies to replacement diplomas.
- The name printed on the replacement diploma will be the same as the name printed on the original diploma unless a legal name change has been processed.
- For legal name changes, you must provide to the Records Office a legal document declaring the change along with a completed Student Information Change form. Legal documents include marriage license, divorce/dissolution decrees, court orders, or any other government issued official proof of identity (Driver's License, State ID, Passport, etc.).
- The replacement diploma will bear the signatures of the current administration and not the administration at the time of graduation.
- The term "official replacement" will be printed on the diploma.
- The cost for a replacement diploma is $15.00 for diploma only or $40.00 for diploma and cover.
- Allow approximately 4-6 weeks for delivery of the replacement diploma.
Selective Service
Under the provision of Section 3345.32 of the Ohio Revised Code, all males between the ages of 18 and 26 attending a state-assisted college or university in Ohio are required to be registered with the Selective Service System or be charged tuition surcharge equal to that charged non-resident students. Students may be exempt from registering on the basis of one of the criteria on a list of exceptions which may be found at Students may register online for Selective Service at Please submit your new Selective Service number to the Records Office.