Course Descriptions
Here's where you can learn detailed information about every class offered at Southern State. Each semester, course offerings are published in Class Schedules prior to the registration period.
All courses are assigned a course code title in Southern State's class registration system. The first four characters indicate the area of study and the last four indicate the specific course (e.g. ENGL 1101 – English 1101). A * preceding a course number indicates that the course is part of Ohio Transfer 36.
Prerequisite – A class that must be successfully completed before enrolling in the class that requires the prerequisite.
Corequisite – A class that must be taken during the same term as the class which requires the corequisite unless already successfully completed.
Institutional Credit – A type of credit that will not count toward graduation or in cumulative grade point averages, but will be used in the calculation of full–time status and calculation for grants and other financial aid formulas.
Developmental Courses – Courses numbered below 1100 are taken in addition to any degree programs and may not be used to satisfy any basic degree requirements. Students may use up to four semester hours of developmental courses numbered 1100 or above as electives in their programs. These developmental courses include MATH 1106, MATH 1116, MATH 1118 and COLL 1100.
Note: Southern State reserves the right to cancel any course.